Monday, November 18, 2013

The End of a New Beggining

It has been a long journey in this new writing style that consisted of many long nights, hours spent fussing with my poor internet connection, and a lot of thinking and focusing that I have put into my blogs, but I can say that it has been a great experience for me. Discussing the courts failures to obey the rules they enforce, satisfy the very citizens of this country, and to remain fair, has been an interesting and easy topic to write about. Seeing the many problems one faces everyday due to the court system has made my priorities in writing to fight away the advantages the court has over the people as an inspirational process, not only for me but also for my readers. I’ve learned that my opinion does in fact matter and that there are many other writers who also have stated their views and have made their point across to their audience without any problems that couldn’t be easily fixed.

My abilities for writing an organized informational blog were tested each and every week and it only gave me more of a drive to do better than what I did before. Being able to have my teacher and also my peers as a backbone to improve my writing skills have been the kind of support that I needed to be able to get through the whole semester. Since there were so many arguments for or against the court system, at times, it was hard to find the right way of saying things, finding supporting details or supporting facts, and persuading my opposing audience. But with all that pressure that was building up inside of me I knew it was all there for a reason; to overcome all obstacles I faced.   I managed to use all the advice given to me to see the difference I have made from my very first posts to my last ones.

The feeling of knowing that you have become a part of your community is crucial to the progression in your work, and as a result, I have had over 1,100 page views that have lead me to believe I have most definitely accomplished my intentions to spread the word out about the courts crooked ways. I have been able to include my personal experiences along with public cases to explain that these decisions the court system have made can affect anyone, even people you never thought would have so much going on. It is our given right to our freedom of speech and with this right I believe if used enough, the world can learn to communicate and become a better place for everyone.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is Prison the New Home For Slaves?

America's Choice: Right or Wrong?

Prison is a place where America believes that by incarcerating these many individuals to pay for the mistakes they have or haven't made (but are still seen as guilty) will teach them the lesson they need to learn before being released out into society again. But by working for large companies, granted no rights or privileges, and getting paid cents an hour for all the work they do on a daily basis, what exactly are these prisoners achieving besides feeling used by the system and having no control over it? Each prisoner has been treated unfairly for the crimes they have committed and are taken advantage of by the ones who are in control of the system they are stuck in. Some say it is their right to serve the time and do all the work for the things these prisoners have done, but others say it is just another form of slavery being used upon them today.

Lazy Investors in the Prison Industry use Prisoners

Many Organizations are stating that the United States has been getting a little too carried away with how they are treating their prisoners. "Human rights organizations, as well as political and social ones, explain that a prison population of up to 2 million – mostly Black and Hispanic – are working for various industries for a pittance (Pelaez)." For the prisoners, it is just another job they have to obey as another part of their sentencing but for others who have invested in the prison industry; having prisoners around to do their work is like heaven. Prisoners are turned into manufacturers, making expensive equipment, working long heavy hours, servicing for many companies, doing jobs that range from minimum wage up to 20 dollars an hour for only cents instead. "All of their workers are full-time, and never arrive late or are absent because of family problems; moreover, if they don’t like the pay of 25 cents an hour and refuse to work, they are locked up in isolation cells (Pelaez)."

The Prison Industry IS a Business

Corporate stockholders are the ones who are responsible to try to maintain as many prisoners behind bars as they can; they are the ones who make money off these individuals. If these prisoners didn't work as hard as they have been obligated to and do all the jobs for those who aren't doing what they should be doing in their work field, then prison would have to depend on themselves much more than the prisoners. More money would be put into the system instead of what they would be receiving. "The system feeds itself," says a study by the Progressive Labor Party, which accuses the prison industry of being “an imitation of Nazi Germany with respect to forced slave labor and concentration camps (Pelaez).” These prisoners who are citizens of this very country are being violated by the law, they are to become obligated workers for the system and aren't allowed a say in anything they do because if they disagree, it can only hurt the prisoner in the long run. Society shows to the people that they are locking these individuals in cells to avoid them from being a harm to other citizens, but it must just be a cover up for them to hide that they actually really need the help these prisoners are forced to give to these companies, so therefore the more prisoners they get the easier the job is being done for them.

What Prisoners Contribute to Society

Prisoners have learned to build or make items as well as any other person working in the manufacturing field. "100% of all military items and wardrobe are made by the federal prison industry itself (Winter)." These items include, military helmets, ammunition belts, bullet-proof vests, ID tags, shirts, pants, tents, bags, and canteens. They have also learned to process thousands of pounds of beef, chicken, bread, and eggs; just like how a farmer would prepare his crops for distribution. "California inmates process more than 680,000 pounds of beef, 400,000 pounds of chicken products, 450,000 gallons of milk, 280,000 loaves of bread, and 2.9 million eggs. Texas and California inmates have worked their way through the school system also, they have made dorm furniture, many lockers, diploma covers, binders, logbooks, library book carts, locker room benches, and juice boxes (Winter)." Working for clothing lines like Victoria's Secret and JC Penny was another department they knew best by learning to sew lingerie and leisure wear. Lastly, prisoners have even made their way into technology, learning how to shrink-wrap software and up to 20,000 Microsoft mouses for subcontractor Exmark (Winter). They have worked for the military, food companies, schools, clothing lines, and even in technology; all of which are many important factors in the United States that keep the economy going and our population growing. Prisoners, even though not imagined to be, are much more involved in society as we know it and they are part of a big contribution to it. Even though they are doing good deeds for their communities in which they are working for, they are still being used, punished, and given no credit for anything they have accomplished.  

Inmates Reward For Their Hard Work

So what do these inmates get in return for all the hard work they have done in prison and all the time they have served for their crime? After being released from prison, they are not considered "Free" at all, these no longer inmates have to follow a "Mandatory Supervised Release" or also called probation, which can last for years even span decades. They may have a curfew, people they are forced not to contact anymore, and no drinking clauses. Inmates can also lose their right to own a firearm, which is one of the most severe felony conviction consequences in the U.S. It will become difficult even close to impossible to earn a license to own a firearm as well as any other type of license because of a record. Not being able to vote for their country is also another upsetting lose, being that it is difficult to have these rights restored. Their voice is not depended on or valued in any type of election. "If the crime one has committed was deemed detrimental to public safety, welfare, or health, your landlord can evict you from your rental property (Hall)." So all of that work someone has put into even finding a home after release can just be thrown away so quickly by one decision. Finding a decent job will also be very difficult, not only are they limited to the types of work they can do but the odds of getting hired with a record are very slim. Lastly, if they would like to better their education, start fresh, and head back into school, their hopes in finding help with student loans and educational assistance will not be granted or at least will be hard to find someone who will trust an ex-felon.

Court Needs Change

"Ninety-seven percent of 125,000 federal inmates have been convicted of non-violent crimes. It is believed that more than half of the 623,000 inmates in municipal or county jails are innocent of the crimes they are accused of. Of these, the majority are awaiting trial. Two-thirds of the one million state prisoners have committed non-violent offenses. Sixteen percent of the country’s 2 million prisoners suffer from mental illness (Pelaez)." As the majority of these prisoners are either in jail for non-violent crimes or for being accused wrongfully; why is it that their punishments are crucially just too harsh for what they have been accused of doing? These citizens deserve more respect, attention, and the rights they are suppose to be given. Even though some should be punished for the crime they have committed, they also should be taught the ways of changing for the better and given a chance to show their commitment to this change before their entire life goes down the drain. The court system should also take a minute to see how they are badly affecting these inmates and giving off the wrong impression towards these innocent people, if not then what will this become of in the many years before us; a disaster or a well organized successful country?


Work Cited

Global Research Centre for research on Globalization, article called, "The Prison Industry in the United States: Big Business or a New Form of Slavery?" by Vickey Pelaez

Mother Jones and the Foundation for National Progress, blog called, "What Do Prisoners Make for Victoria's Secret?" by Caroline Winters

Hall, Rustom, and Fritz LLC established trial lawyers- Peoria IL., blog called, "What other consequences are there from a felony being on my record?' by attorneys at Hall , Rustom, and Fritz LLC

Monday, November 4, 2013

Serious Crime Left Unattended

Unfair Crime Decisions
There have been many cases about rape and sex offenders who plead guilty and received the punishment they deserved, but there are also many cases that should've been frowned upon a little more and taken much more seriously than to just give out minor consequences for actions that should've received more than expected. A lot of cases have been misunderstood, having someone's life ruined by being classified as a sex offender only because they simply grasped someone the wrong way, or two teenagers that are only a couple years apart who are reported because the child's family doesn't approve of their relationship, are prime examples of harsh punishments a judge can give someone over something as serious as rape. These prime examples that were taken as a serious crime and given punishments as long as year's in prison seems kind of rough doesn't it? Well, what about a former school teacher who is given remorse by the judge and only received thirty days in jail for raping a fourteen year old student who later on commits suicide?

Rambold's Case
This particular case about a fifty four year old school teacher who rapes a fourteen year old female student shocks my interests in knowing what was this judge thinking when he only gave this man thirty days in jail for his crime? Stacey Dean Rambold had at least three sexual encounters with student Cherice Morales in 2008. In 2010, the student committed suicide a few weeks before her seventeenth birthday, the Billings Gazette reported. Yellowstone County Judge G. Todd Baugh sentenced Rambold to fifteen years in prison, with all but only thirty one days suspended for sexual intercourse without consent. The judge then gave Rambold credit for one day served, bringing the offenders total jail time to just thirty days (Murdock). This judge didn't even consider what this young girl's mother had to say about how unfair this situation was for her daughter, it was almost like the rules have changed and he had forgotten that people who are under the age of eighteen are off limits to those who are over that age. Baugh giving Rambold credit for only serving a day was another sad thing to hear, how can it be as easily forgiven and not looked more in depth of the situation to find out what this teen was really going through. Being a female at an age like this can be frightening because our minds are still developing and when wrong is being done we still might not know what right is, anyone who is that much older than you can either manipulate your mind or help you learn the ways of life. Unfortunately, this young girl's life is ended shortly as she commits suicide, but it also explains that she was going through a lot and being in this type of relationship with this older man must have not been making anything any better.

'There were 400 protestors who appeared to support the Morales case'

Judge's Wrongful Opinion's
The judge also explained that victim Morales was "older than her chronological age". Again, this judge isn't making a very reasonable argument for this case; can't anyone appear to be older than what they really are? How strong can this perception be of this female student that it allows it to almost be okay for this teacher to have a serious relationship with this student? As more proof of this action being wrong comes to show in court, less is being done. The same year Rambold was hired as a business teacher for Senior High School in 2004, principal Scott Anderson met with Rambold to discuss allegations that he touched a girl's thigh and waist. A court affidavit said Anderson told Rambold to "keep his hands off all students" and that anything further would result in a formal investigation, KTVQ reported (Murdock). Considering this new information, wouldn't this hint off another reason for the court to think that if he had complications dealing with touching other students before, that it would send off a red flag stating that he is comfortable doing this regularly with other teenagers.

Minor Consequences
Attorneys for Rambold said the teacher has lost his job, his license, his house and his wife and suffered the 'scarlet letter of the internet' as a result of the allegations. Defense lawyer Jay Lansing said his client had been punished enough for his crime (Zennie). When being convicted of any major crime as this one, it is likely that the person convicted will lose these minor things but will also have other punishments that court will give out. In any other case, a judge will not care about what someone has lost for their actions so why should he care about this man's lose? This man not only disrespected his wife by having an affair with a child but he also disrespected his job by doing what he was warned not to do ahead of time.

More Evidence
The Gazette reports that with the girl's death, prosecutors were forced to defer prosecution. They agreed to dismiss the case if Rambold admitted to one count of rape and agreed to enter a three stage sex offender treatment program. In December, prosecutors revived the case and re-filed charges after they learned that the teacher had been kicked out of the program for having unsupervised visits with minors (Zennie). This man was given several chances and all evidence kept being ignored, not enough was done and knowing that Morales was clearly troubled, Baugh still thought she was 'as much in control of the situation' as the teacher, the Gazette reported.

Speaking Out
Actions speak louder than words and in this case this saying should've been applied. This judges opinion wasn't correct and wasn't enough to bail this man out that easily. Even with all the evidence pointing against the teacher, all the citizens who tried to support Morales mother into giving Rambold more time in jail, and the sudden death of this young girl, still couldn't make this court decision change into the right decision.

Work Cited

The Huffington Post by Sebastian Murdock article called "Stacey Rambold, Former Teacher Who Raped Student Gets 30 Days Jail"

Mail Online by Michael Zennie article called "Teacher who admitted raping student, 14, who later committed suicide gets just 30 days in jail after judge rules girl was 'older than her years' and 'in control of the situation'"

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My Potential Analysis Paper Sources

It has been a long journey processing this new writing style and actually pulling through with it quiet effectively, but with this transitioning and researching about my topics I've also come across many other bloggers who have successfully shown me different ways to express my thoughts and how to use the supporting facts in an informational way to my readers. They have shown me the serious and funny tones to be allowed when talking about a serious case, the hidden information that the system doesn't allow to be seen, the unfair cruelty people have been given, reading between the lines of statistics, and showing how nasty the world can get, but all in a nicely portrayed way.

The list can go on and on when talking about how the economy has affected citizens and non citizens of this country and finding the right useful blogs about things as these can really help me as a person to grow, not only in my blogs but also in my knowledge of the systems ways. As I've searched through many articles, newspapers, websites about certain court issues, and other bloggers, I've came to see that some of these authors were great at what they do and drew my attention into each post.

A particular blogger named "Justin Peters" consistently writes about crazy crimes being committed and also discusses things that should and should not be done when a situation occurs. He shows variety in his posts, and even with his amusement towards some of his stories he still remains to keep the facts consistent and makes his posts informational, almost like little online updates of what wicked things go on in the world on a daily basis.

In one of his latest posts called, "If You're Planning to Set Your Fiance on Fire, Don't Tell Your Veterinarian", he begins his topic on relating his audience to the feelings we all must get at one point in time when being with our spouse who begins to get under our skin. As the audience is now relating to what he is saying, he then brings in the argument of do's and don'ts when in a situation like this one occurs. If a spouse is fighting over something as small as washing one's bed sheets, it's recommended to not think of a master plan to kill the other spouse, but to let off your steam just a bit and relax. He then categorizes the females actions of trying to kill her spouse by pouring gasoline all over his bedroom as, numerical failures in the crime she tried to commit.

In his last more seriously taken post called, "It Happened Again: Baltimore Man Acquitted on Fourth Sexual Assault Charge in Two Years", he talks about a man who is still not punished for the crimes he has committed even though all evidence and witnesses are shown. He claims that the confidence of the accused man and his poise on the stand over powered the accusers' failure to explain that he did in fact commit a crime. Peters also threw in a supporting twitter comment by the Baltimore police saying that, "When evidence is there, Juries need to convict". I thought this social network use of facts supporting his argument of the court not doing what is needed to be done was a different kind of reliable source, and again is understood by his audience well.

Watching these inspiring authors explain related stories to my topics have been great useful sources for my upcoming blogs. Showing one how to state facts, correctly explain your argument, and learning from your research has been the three most important things I have learned to use for my posts. Blogs like Peter's and popular articles and stories about these issues are what is needed to show the public a way of speaking the truth. This work and guidelines I have learned from others is what I will use as my potential sources for my final paper.

Work Cited

Blogs by Justin Peters about murder, theft, and other wickedness. Published by the Slate Group, a Division of the Washington Post Company.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

What Crime can be Forgiven?

Malicious Crime
There's always that argument stating that the reason why people commit the crimes they do are because of reasons that should be irrelevant. Does it really depend on your nationality, mental status, or where that person grew up from? You would believe that these reasoning's wouldn't even be tried in court, but it seems as though that is the first thing people think of when hearing about a malicious crime. Of course there will always be the ones that actually do suffer from being mentally ill, coming from an unstable background, having some sort of jealousy towards one another, or simply just react to a situation in the wrong way at the wrong time. But when is going too far really just going too far for something that can be changed without committing a huge mistake.

Teenage Murderer
In an ABC News article, "An eighteen year old Stafford County teenager, who also use to attend Colonial Forge High School, pleaded guilty for killing her own mother over her recent four month long boyfriend. Prosecutors say that she shot her mother in the face and chest with a 12-gauge shotgun and stabbed her multiple times, tossed around items to make it look like a robbery, then went to a fast food restaurant. When she was caught, she explained to the police that her reasoning for killing her mother was because she had 'pushed her too far' and was interfering with her relationship." "Her mother and father didn't approve of her boyfriend and her boyfriend didn't like that at all, so he told his girlfriend if she doesn't kill her mother then he'll break up with her. As Colonial Forge teachers were investigated about the situation, they said that they seemed to notice a change in the girls' actions and participation in school around the same time she started to date this nineteen year old boy. The defending argument for the daughter in court was that it was all her boyfriends fault. She stated that after her and her mother engaged into a small argument about seeing fireworks is when the time came closer to ending her mother's life. After planning the murder in a church parking lot, her boyfriend suggested that she cut her mother into pieces and dispose of the body in trash bags, but she said she couldn't do that," (Keith Epps, Free Lance Star).

Remorseful Feelings
She pleads guilty for first degree murder, using a firearm in the commission of a felony, and will now serve 48 years in prison. She was seventeen at the time but was still tried as an adult. Her boyfriend was also convicted on an accessory to murder charge. Her father still comes to visit her at the county jail and explains that he has seen remorse for her wrong doings and when asked by prosecution how he feels towards his daughter he says, "She knew she made a mistake and she knew she could've listened to us". Even though her father has learned to accept that his spouse is no longer here, he still has an unexplainable feeling about the crime. When asked about the impact of losing his wife, whom he had known for more than 50 years since he was a thirteen year old he states that, "When you lose your wife of 44 years it's hard to explain," "You don't wake up"(Tracy Bell, Stafford County Sun).

Harmful Thinking
When hearing the news of a type of crime as this one it's only human nature to think why this seventeen year old girl has done such a thing. It's understandable to be against her actions but it becomes a little different when you find out some of the reasons as to why people are against them. As I read into various articles about the teenager and especially the article by ABC 7 News, I come to see that most comments are not worried about why she had done the crime but instead worried about what nationality she is and assuming that she was a worthless person to begin with. In an anonymous comment someone says, "I knew this gal would be white based on her name, the description of the crime, and my knowledge of Stafford demographics. About 10% of rural Stafford has the last name "Chewning". Regardless of her color, this young lady is a menace to society and needs to be locked up for good. Hopefully by the time she gets out, she'll no longer be able to breed and produce more murderers." This person stresses the fact that he or she is so knowledgeable of knowing what kind of person she is by her name and the type of crime, but then states that it doesn't matter and brings in unborn children who also, aside from this persons remarks, doesn't have anything to do with the crime at all. In another comment it says, "They also neglected to say which category they fall into. If I had to guess I say their black and I've got my reasons...oh I've got my reasons." Again, people are worried about things that doesn't help or change the situation nor gives a chance to make people think, what if this girl should be accepted an apology or given remorse?

Accepting Mistakes
As some of the public were against her others in the court system tried to lower her sentence by believing that it was all her boyfriends fault. Dye's attorney, Terrance Patton tried to get the judge to lower the sentence down to 21 years and two months but prosecutors Ed Lustig and Michael Hardiman argued strenuously against that. "There's just no getting around the horrific, savage and brutal manner in which her mother died," Lustig said. He also scoffed at the teenagers attempt to blame her boyfriends break up threat for her actions. "You killed your father's wife of 44 years so that you could keep your boyfriend of four months?" Lustig asked (Keith Epps). These statements might sound as harsh as the actions the teenager chose to do but can love really affect someone to this extreme?

Work Cited

Allbritton Communications Company 2012 ABC 7 News article,

The News Desk article by Keith Epps,

Stafford County Sun article by managing editor Traci Bell,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Drinking but NOT Driving?

Virginia's DUI Regulation
"Virginia has some of the most serious DUI laws in the country. A blood Alcohol Content level even below .08 can still result in a DUI arrest and conviction (Marina)." In Stafford County, the police officers seem to always be on the move. Every time there is an event occurring, whether it's at a party lounge, restaurant playing an important game, or an upcoming holiday that is around the corner, they are watching and prepare themselves to be on the alert for trouble. These are the times where most people will be out, some will be drinking, and some will enjoy their time a little bit too much.

Facts about DUI Consequences
According to the Virginia's Laws and Defenses for drunken driving charges, if caught drinking and driving and it is your first offense, the mandatory minimum penalties are:
1) You must attend ASAP classes at your expense
2) Your driver's license will be suspended for a period of 12 months
3) If you are granted a restricted driver's license, you must pay for and use an ignition interlock device
4) If your BAC level was between .15-.20, you must serve at least 5 days in jail
5) If your BAC level was above .20, you must serve at least 10 days in jail
6) If you had a child passenger in your vehicle at the time of the offense that was under the age of 18 at the time, you must serve at least 5 days in jail - with an additional fee between $500.00 and $1,000.00
7) If your BAC was above .15, your vehicle must be equipped with an ignition interlock device for the first six months of your restoration of driving privileges
"The standard DUI penalties will always include a probation period for one year called good behavior, alcohol classes from a court-ordered ASAP program which costs about $300, a fine which is expected to be between $250 and $500 on a first offense, lose of license for one year with a possible restricted license, a jail sentence with some or all of the time suspended, payment of court costs, and the ignition interlock device (Marina)."

Giving Himself a Reward
About a week ago, one of my family members went out to enjoy the long weekend that just passed. He went to a nearby restaurant and lounge that is only allowed for people over 21 years of age. Normally, he would go to these places with friends or other family members around his age but this time he went alone. As he continued to enjoy his night he began to drink a couple of light beers, around two or three bottles exactly. He felt fine and didn't feel intoxicated at all but when three in the morning came around and the lounge began to close he felt himself getting a little tired. The night before, he had worked a 12 hour shift and didn't get much sleep the next day because he had to work another 8 hour shift. Knowing that he was really tired, he still wanted to reward himself by going out and having a couple drinks, being that he just got hired from his new job within a month of looking after moving to Virginia from Florida about two months ago.

Arising Problem
He walked to his car and immediately turned on the heater because it was pouring cold rain outside that day. While he was in his car he received a phone call from one of his old friends in Florida, getting carried away he ended up talking for about an hour. After hanging up, he explained that the mixture between the sound of the raindrops hitting his car, the hot air warming up his body, and his long overdue sleep is what caused him to fall asleep behind the wheel. He was still parked in the same parking lot where he left the lounge and still had the keys in the ignition. His car was on, he was sleeping, having a few drinks in his system, and he didn't know what kind of trouble was coming to look for him soon.

His Consequences
As he awoke, there were bright lights shining right in his eyes and loud sirens banging in his ears which startled him. The first thing he thought to do was to turn the car off and throw the keys into the passenger's seat. Sure enough, it was a police officer who came up to his window and at that moment he knew he had made a huge mistake. The officer ended up taking him to the regional county jail to stay the night because of the fact that he did have alcohol in his system and they wouldn't let him leave until his blood alcohol content level wore off. "When first receiving your license you agree to sign the "Implied Consent Law", which allows an officer to perform a test of your blood, breath, or both to be able to determine your BAC level. Virginia's "implied consent" law says that if you are lawfully arrested by an officer who has probable cause to believe that you have been drinking under the influence, then you consent to taking a chemical test of your blood, breath, or both for the purpose of determining your BAC or the presence of drugs (NOLO)." He did have to perform a breathing test when he arrived to the county jail and his results showed that he did have more than a BAC level of .08. He didn't leave the county jail until three in the afternoon the next day which caused him to miss a work day from his new job but luckily, he didn't receive a DUI because he wasn't necessarily drinking and driving and he took the key out of the ignition before the cop arrived to his window. Even though he wasn't charged with a DUI, he did have to pay a $110 fine for public intoxication. "Public intoxication charges, often called being "drunk and disorderly", is a legal charge alleging that a person is visibly drunk or under the influence of drugs in public. It is usually a misdemeanor crime under state and local law. In many states, public intoxication offenses do not even require that you are drunk to be convicted of the charge. You simply have to appear drunk or high on drugs, even if that is not the case (Reuters)."

Being Aware
Coming from Miami, Florida he wasn't really aware of how different the system is in Stafford, Virginia. He obviously knows he isn't suppose to drink and drive but being so accustomed to doing so back where he use to live and not having the police around him as much led him to this wake up call. Having this extra bill to pay was only the least he could've gotten, while others can easily get there license suspended, a charge, and a bad record for a common mistake. The smallest sip you take can lead to having many consequences in this county and being aware of that is the best thing to do to learn how to stay away from getting into a big mess.

Work Cited

Article on " Virginia DUI Laws and Defenses for Drunk Driving Charges in Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Arlington, Prince William by the Northern Virginia Criminal Defense Law Firm  Author by Marina

Article on "Public Intoxication" by Thomson Reuters (Find Law)

"Virginia DUI: Refusal to Take a Blood or Breath Test" part of the NOLO network

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Facing Time, Part Two

Without the loved ones that brought you into this challenging life or the loved ones you meet along the way, your survival skills will not be at ease. Everyone at one point in time has been helped by someone else, whether it was a stranger from that 7 eleven store who jump started your car because it ran out of battery, to your own beloved wife or girlfriend who has helped you get to live that normal life you were hoping to have once you've been released from prison 15 years later. My father, Jose Oliva, continues to live with so much stress and weight put on his shoulders because of his past mistakes being an ex-felon, but luckily his family and his long term girlfriend has helped him unconditionally through out all his pain and the struggles he faces everyday.

Jose was born in La Havana Cuba, a place where shoe's didn't have to be worn, rules weren't taken as seriously, and everyday was just another journey into seeking ways to live for tomorrow. Havana is the capital city of Cuba and presently has a population of slightly over two million. The city was founded by the Spanish in the 1500's and has a long and fascinating history. Privately owned companies were nationalized in Cuba and many rich and middle class Cubans fled to Florida and other countries in order to escape Castro and his communist government( My dad entered into Miami, Florida as a non-citizen at the age of fourteen with his mother, father, and younger brother. He didn't start off well by hanging out with the wrong type of people, and ended up gang-banging and selling drugs which later brought his new long life in prison starting at 21 years of age. Being a non-citizen of the U.S. alone isn't good but when you add being a criminal caught in a country that your not from makes it worse. At this moment my dad is deporting on papers, he was arrested as a non-citizen, and in this country if you become a felon who wasn't born here, the slightest error you make is a huge thing. According to the Asian Law Caucus, if you have two or more crimes involving moral turpitude at anytime, a drug related crime, or a crime considered an "aggravated felony," which includes things like murder, rape, drug trafficking, fraud (over 10,000), and crimes involving theft or violence, it can conclude into being removed from the area completely or "deported". He now is waiting for the United States to have a treaty with Cuba to find out the decisions that are going to be made about whether he will be deported or not.

EAD Card
The first time my dad was released from a 15 year sentence was a tough one for him. In the United States you have to have an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) also known as a work permit, to be able to hold a job. Since he was fresh out of prison it was his best option, to receive an EAD card. Now, in the process of receiving a work permit it can take up to three to five months for it to go through successfully and only lasts about two years(Avvo staff). It is also required to pay 380 dollars yearly for a work permit. Within those three to five months how can he be expected to live without no steady income, bad credit or no credit, and no transportation? How can he even be able to pay for a work permit if he cannot find a job without having one? The court expects him to find a way somehow, and finding that way becomes very stressful if you have no one who has been by your side. He has been very thankful to have his girlfriend of many years and his grandfather there to help him out, and as they continued to show their care for him, they offered to pay for him to be able to get that work permit which he did receive, and which led him to find his job as a personal trainer.

Starting Over
His hope began to arise when he knew he was progressing and everything seemed to be going a little better. For him to have become a personal trainer, he needed to take a college course, which he spent a year studying for and passed when he took the test that was required. Without his grandfathers help to pay for this course, he would have been stopped once again in trying to get hired for a better job because he wouldn't have been able to find the money in a legal way, unless someone was there to help him. Unfortunately, when my dad was sent back to prison the second time for failing to meet up with his probation officer, it was also around the time that he needed to renew his work permit. Because of the fact that he was once again in prison, he lost his current job and had to restart his work permit process all over again.

 Moving Forward
In order to obtain a drivers license in Florida, you must first meet the identification requirements. You must show proof of your birth date and social security number (if issued). Immigrants and non-immigrants have different identification requirements. Once the state of Florida verifies identity and legal status, a drivers license or identification card will be issued within 30 days from Tallahassee and mailed to the address on the driver record(DMV Florida). He had achieved in getting his license and found a car but as you might think, how is he paying for the car, gas, and the insurance? Well his girlfriend again was there to help out with that along with his grandfather giving him a place to stay and food to eat. " Even though I dislike the fact of being taken care of I very much appreciate it, and I am happy to have these people still in my presence, " my dad explained. On a daily basis he has been living similar to a teenage boy, having everything being paid for him and working to use that small amount of money to help pay his own debts. Now his main focuses are to keep a steady job, stay out of trouble, obey the rules he has to follow with his probation, and to take little steps into reaching a higher goal. He also still attends backyard fights and even participates in some battles to maybe one day finding a name for himself in something he loves to do, MMA fighting. MMA and the UFC originated from the full contact sport of Vale tudo in Brazil, the UFC was created in the United States with minimal rules, and was promoted as a competition to determine the most effective martial art for unarmed combat situations. UFC fighters began to morph into well-rounded, balanced fighters that could fight standing or on the floor. This blend of fighting styles and skills became known as mixed martial arts (MMA) (UFC Zuffa, LLC.).

Having Strength
Imagine coming out of a hole after many years with no one to go to and no where to stay, how rough would that be? My father has been blessed but also faced with many challenges throughout his time which has made him as strong as he is today, but even with his strength he still has many weaknesses. As I talked with him over the phone earlier he said, "Beautiful, If I had the chance to go back and change my ways when I was younger I would, If I had the chance to be able to give you everything I lacked on giving you all these years I would, and if I had the power to help those who have helped me along the way I guarantee you I would." It's difficult trying to dig yourself out of a deep hole that has been built with time and effort, but by using that same effort and with time, that hole will soon be empty. He is constantly reminded day by day that he still has to be taken care of, being the grown man he is, and he doesn't like that at all but without that help he's had, the chances of him overcoming his situation would've been slim. It's hard trying to do things to survive the right way instead of the easier way, but as for Jose the right way was his way.

Work Cited

Article on "An Overview Of Havana, Cuba"

"Basic Facts About Removal (Deportation) Because of a Criminal Record" by Asian Law Caucus 1999'

"How to Acquire a Non-Citizen Work Permit" by Avvo staff c2013 Avvo, Inc.

"Non-United Citizens How to get your Florida's Drivers License" Florida DMV Online Guide

Discover UFC "What is MMA and the UFC"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Facing Time

Dad's Case
Ever since I was a little girl my dad has always been the moon to my stars. He and my mother were High School sweethearts and both had me when they were only 17 years old. I was about 4 years old when my parents relationship came to a complete end but it was until I got a little older that I realized exactly why it became that way. My father was 21 years old and was sentenced 15 years in jail for impersonating police officers along with other members of their gang called "Latin Syndicate". "Latin Syndicate" is the largest and most violent gang in Miami, Florida also known as "1219" and have been around since the early 1990's. He was also caught with many weapons and the selling of many drugs, especially cocaine. "Cocaine is a bitter, addictive pain blocker that is extracted from the leaves of "Erythroxylon Coca". It is the most powerful stimulant of natural origin(MNT Ltd 2004-2013)." Even though my dad was involved in the selling of these drugs he was never a smoker or drinker and didn't consume any of his products.
First Presence
At the time I wasn't mature enough to understand where my dad was and why he was there so I thought everything was normal. Talking to him on the phone for only 15 minutes on certain limited days became the only time I would get to hear from him. Every phone call felt like it wasn't enough and more time was needed. Driving 8 to 15 hour road trips was my savior in finally knowing what my "Dad" actually looked like, since I was so little when he was taken away I couldn't really remember any of his features. The very first moment we locked eyes was strange at first, but then came so natural that it didn't feel like I was staring at a stranger at all. As we sat and talked face to face I noticed that many of the guards kept their eyes on him, watching his every move. As said in an article about Visitation Rights, " During visitation, family members will often times be allowed to bring certain items to prisoners. However, the items that are allowed will be restricted." He wasn't allowed to get up unless letting one of the guards know and wasn't able to sit close to me incase I could've been passing him drugs, weapons, or any other danger to himself, other prisoners, and the guards. Because of this reasoning being around him felt so uptight and uncomfortable, everything was monitored so I had to watch the things I said and did. When it was time for him to leave the fact that he had to be handcuffed by his hands and feet wasn't easy to take in, being that my first time seeing him was behind bars, with chains, and tamed by strict controlling men.

New Life
He served his time and got out when he was 35 years old, which was about two years ago. Struggling with trying to survive in a life he doesn't know well is difficult. My dad only knew the streets of his time and the prison life. How would someone think a person will do well when being thrown back into society 15 years later with new rules, changed government, no stable home, and no job? "In the United States-which has the highest incarceration population in the world-700,000 people are released from prison each year. Many of these parolees are thrust back into society with very few resources and no family support (empower editors)." A study by the Pew center on the states that looked recidivism in more than 40 states revealed that some four in ten offenders, who served in state prisons, returned within three years of their release". Stress became the warrior who defeated my fathers mind and it wasn't healthy. My grandfather, who at the time of my fathers arrest spent thousands of dollars trying to fight his case, took him in and let him stay in his apartment. Trying to find a job when your a convicted felon isn't easy. "In a 2010 survey by the society for Human Resources Management, almost 90% of the companies surveyed, most of them large employers, said they conducted criminal background checks on some or all job candidates. Advocates for workers say that the indiscriminate use of background checks by companies has made finding employment extremely difficult for millions of Americans (Goode)." But being the changed and mature man that my dad is today, he found a way to seek for a different positive direction in his life. He was set with a job as a personal trainer for a local gym in Miami, Florida but with his little pay it still wasn't enough to provide for himself on his own. Being a man who has always been dominant, it's hard to be taken care of like a baby all over again.
Scheduled Timing
It seems once your in the system it's hard to stay out of the system. What stresses him the most is that he can't continue to live a normal life because he constantly has to follow up with probation officers, meetings/classes, and people who arrange all the money he owes to child support from his other son and daughter. He has to be urine tested once a week, attend his classes every Friday and Saturday, present himself to the court once a month to make sure he hasn't left Florida, and has to keep up with collectors about his debts. All this alone takes up most of his time and doesn't give him any open space to be able to build a new life on his own and meet new positive people.

"More than half of those who return to prison do so within the first year after release, which is by far the highest risk period for returning to prison. A released inmate who has ten or more prior arrests is greater than six times more likely to recidivate than a released inmate with no prior arrest history other than the arrest for the current stay in prison (Smith)". One small slip up in this organized schedule that he has can send him back behind bars and as easy as mistakes can be there were no doubts that the court would show any mercy towards him. He had an interview at a higher paying job that was looking for workout teachers and he knew that it was the same day he had to meet up with his probation officer so he called her and let her know that he needed to be in this interview. Being checked up on to make sure he isn't being a harm to the community was much more important than him trying to improve his life, so she said he had to come meet up with her regardless. He made the wrong decision in not showing up and went back to jail for four more months. Thinking these people would be more understanding of his situation was the wrong mindset. He lost all hope and his stress began to arise, it seemed as if they wanted him to do wrong again.
Successful Companions
He tries to fight for his rights even though he feels no rights can protect him from being quarantined and abused mentally because of his past mistakes. Nothing feels equal to him anymore but as he struggles, his other friends rise and he lives to admire and support these people. One particular friend is Rene Martinez also known as "Levelz". He was also a gang member of the "Latin Syndicates" and is a great friend of my dads still til this day. He was one of the only members that wasn't sentenced so much time in prison and was given a chance to change his life before he lost control of it. "Levelz" goal was to once become a professional MMA fighter and he has led his way up to that succession. As said in Francisco Alvarado's blog about Rene's accomplishments, "Rene Martinez went from gang-banging hell-raiser to a humble God-fearing MMA warrior". Watching him grow from being a delinquent to putting his heart into something that he loves and isn't harmful, was just another motivation for my father to keep trying to strive for a better life.

Set Backs
Knowing that the world is now introduced to a new future role model in MMA fighting who came from so little is inspiring but also upsetting to see that court and being a convicted felon reflects on your progress in life drastically. It's never easy for anyone, but it isn't easier for people who have a criminal record to survive in this world. My dad has put in the same amount of effort to change but is constantly kept wrapped around all these rules he has to follow and steps he has to take to stay away from being imprisoned again. Why is his main priority and focus different from others who have learned to become a new and improved person? Instead of worrying about making his appointments with his classes, court, and probation officers he should be helped to dedicate himself to a stable and healthy environment. The court has done the opposite for him and have managed to keep their past and present prisoners in check, doing what they want to be done. A person will never be freed after having a record, learning to live with it and work around it is the next big step into helping yourself.

Work Cited (Family) Article about "Visitation Rights At A Glance"

Medical News Today (MNT) Article about "Alcohol, Addiction, Illegal Drugs" mediLexicon Internation Ltd

Film and Documentary about the "Struggles Many Face After Prison Release", written by empower editors

Miami New Times Blogs "Rene Martinez Continues Leveling 'Em Out" by Francisco Alvarado

Fox43 Cetral Pennsylvania article on "released inmates back in jail" by Paul Smith

New York Times Article, "Internet Lets A Criminal Past Catch Up Quicker" by Erica Goode

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Teens Hidden Struggles

Internal feelings can be the strongest feelings to have, but also can be the most dangerous feelings to keep balled up inside. Not everyone knows when there is something wrong with someone but if they learn to communicate with one another, everyone can help and make a difference in that persons life. Having a death in the family or outside of the family is the hardest thing to deal with. It takes a toll on your life and can be difficult to move on from it. Without having people around you to calm you down, help you throughout your struggles in life, or even just to listen to what you have to say from time to time, that silence can lead someone into their own unwanted funeral.

My Perspective
I had many friends in high school and most of them had pretty normal lives, as so I thought. There were always arguments being talked about within ones family or friends and also many issues with themselves as a person but it never got to the point of leading them to their own death. One particular friend I had was always so bright and very energetic. Her name was Angelica Garcia and she was 16, leading herself into a great future. Every time I would see her she always seemed to be in a great mood, unless she had problems with a boyfriend or girl drama which was normal in high school. She was always in every party, loved going to the movies with other friends, and was a wonderful cheerleader for Chancellor High School. Her days seemed so busy but still looked as fun as she made it seem.

Sexual Assault
Many young teens struggle with being sexually assaulted and live with those horrible memories forever. It gets hard to talk to people about things like this because not everyone has been through it and not everyone can truly understand how bad it hurts. Angelica was sexually assaulted when she was just in third grade, at such a young age she had to learn how to move on from that bad experience and it wasn't easy. "Trying to seek for help, her mother looked for a psychologist or any doctor that might be able to help her out, but no doctor was accepting new patients and therefore made it even more difficult to find someone else to go to (Zitz)." Without the help Angelica needed throughout the years depression took over her body and her negative thoughts won over the positive ones that she needed. She sensed that no one wanted to pay attention and she wasn't taken seriously.

Depression Facts
"A depressive disorder is a disease that affects the mood, thoughts, and behavior. With the right treatment it can help more than 90% of those who suffer from depression (NMHA & DHHS)." According to the National Mental Health Association and the Department of Health and Human Services, "experts estimate that 5% of all teenagers will suffer from depression, but only 20% of depressed teens are appropriately diagnosed and treated. Depression in children and adolescents is associated with an increased risk for suicidal behaviors. This is treatable, a comprehensive treatment plan can be used that may include psychotherapy, ongoing evaluation and monitoring, and in some cases, psychiatric medication."

Poland Syndrome
It seemed that Angelica kept receiving more downfalls in her life and wasn't given enough time to recover through the struggles she's had before. As she got older she was diagnosed with Poland Syndrome which caused her to loose one of her breasts . "Poland Syndrome is a rare birth defect that lacks ones chest muscle from one side (Zitz)." Knowing her for a couple years, which you would think is a while, and not knowing certain things like this that she was going through is tough, not only for Angelica but also for the friends that would've supported her if they knew and would've made her feel more comfortable about the imperfections that we all have. Once again Angelica and her mother strived to look for more assistance to see what could be done with this issue. The only doctor they finally found that could've engaged in helping her only made her feel worse. "She said the doctor was so uncaring about her situation and told her that plastic surgery couldn't have been done until she was 18. The doctor didn't give her any other recommendations or at least some advice about her problem which made her really upset and she ended up crying after she left the doctors office that day (Zitz)."

Suicide Facts
According to David Satcher, M.D., former Surgeon General of the Untied States, " Suicide is a national public health problem" and "Suicide is our most preventable form of death." "More teenagers dies from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease combined (National Strategy for Suicide Prevention: Goals and Objectives for Action, 2001)." "Females are known to think about and attempt suicide about twice as often as males. Before the 1960's, suicide by adolescents happened only rarely; but today, nearly one in ten teens contemplates suicide, and over 500,000 attempt it each year. While suicide rates for all other ages have dropped, suicide among teens have nearly tripled (Gregston)."

Her Suffering Ends
It's hard to accept your own issues and to grow from them, but it seems that it's even harder to find someone that can understand you and make your issues a learning obstacle. One day Lisa Garcia, the mother of Angelica found that she had hung herself in her bedroom. One of the most horrific things to see is that the child you gave birth to had took her own life away. Lisa did everything she could to help Angelica and as many other parents would agree, they would do anything to keep their child safe and sound. "Jane Wallace who worked with Lisa at Re/Max Bravo was inspired when Lisa said, " As a parent you try to protect your kids from drugs and alcohol and you do what's necessary to protect them from other children, but you don't think you have to protect them from themselves." She explained this when they had lunch together a couple days after the incident of her daughter passing away. Jane said, " I thought that was so profound and well stated. It made me think differently about my responsibility as a parent (Zitz)."

Your Surroundings
Reaching out to people who need help is necessary, leading everyone to a healthy life is even a greater way to lead yourself in that same direction. The more positive people you surround yourself with the greater your outlook of life will be no matter what you've been through. Angelica needed that push, she as any other teen with similar or worse problems searched for that attention and the right thing to do in her situation. Although her story does not end well she still remains a powerful woman, and her family has been given a lot of support to stay strong and continue to live a happy life.

Work Cited
The Free Lance Star by Michael Zitz

Facts made available by the National Mental Health Association, DRADA, Department of Health and Human Services

Figures from the National Center for Health Statistics for the year 2007 All rates are per 100,000 population

"Teen Suicide Facts You Need to Know" by Mark Gregston

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Fighting Away the Violence

School Violence has never been permitted nor wanted but still hasn't become less of an issue in schools today . Being in High school there were always videos you had to watch about bullying and classes you had to take about how to be helped when violence is being placed on one another. Programs where held associating with troubled students or helping certain students who aren't as focused in school as they should be because of not just problems in school but also problems at home. There are all these helpful associations and programs being made but still today violence in school has been more of an issue than before. If the law itself doesn't want to address the situation profoundly and take it seriously to end such violence, then we the people need to begin to reach out to these students to make that difference happen.

Stats on School Violence

  • In 2011, 20 percent of high school students were bullied at school, and 33 percent reported being involved in a physical fight in the last year.
  • In one month, nearly 6 percent of high schoolers stayed home because they felt unsafe at or on their way to school.
  • More than 7 percent of 9th through 12th graders reported being threatened or injured with a weapon on school property at least once in the last year. An additional 6 percent admitted to bringing a weapon to school for protection.
  • In 2010 there were more than 800,000 nonfatal school victimizations of children and teens ages 12 to 18. Almost 500,000 of these occurrences were thefts.
  • Risk factors for youth violence include violent histories, drug or alcohol use, poverty in the community, poor grades, association with troubled peers, and troublesome home life.
  • Students aren’t the only ones in danger of school violence. Almost 7 percent of teachers reported being threatened or physically injured by a student from their school.
  • Only 39 percent of schools in the 2009-2010 school year took serious disciplinary action against a student for special offenses. Actions included out-of-school suspension, expulsion, or transfer to a specialty school.
  • In the U.S., 33 school-associated violent deaths occurred in the 2009-2010 school year including homicides, suicides, and legal interventions. 18 of these occurred on school property.
  • Youth and school violence can lead to depression, alcohol and drug use, suicide, anxiety, and fear.
  • In recent years, assault by weapon, cases of intimidation and bullying, and alcohol possession have all more than doubled on school properties.
  • Drug possessions at school more than doubled from 2005 to 2011. Teachers confirm that violence may not be spiking, but records are being kept much more accurately than in the past.
Most of the time school violence consists of small groups of people fighting amongst themselves. Although this can be considered good news because most students are not involved, it is only a matter of time before the violence bleeds into the general student population and innocent students are injured. This false sense of security made 96% of students in the Class of 2000 feel safe at school. However, 22% of them knew of students who carried weapons to school. Approximately 53% of the students surveyed said they believed a Columbine-like shooting could occur in their school.

How to prevent School Violence

  • Anger management- child becomes violent whenever he/she gets angry. So schools should start classes on anger management. These kinds of classes will tell students about the ways of controlling anger.
  • Conflict management- these kinds of classes will tell students that the conflicts can be resolved by talking as well. Fighting, threatening and beating are not the only ways of solving conflicts.
  • Talk with your child, keep a well understanding of what they do day by day in school and outside of school. Create that bond so that when things do happen it can be easier for the student to be able to be comfortable with telling someone.
  • Pay attention to all the warning signs a student gives, including sudden low grades, being lonely or antisocial, behavior issues at home and at school, sleeping problems, or eating problems.
  • Being involved in school is a biggie. The more one knows about a certain school the better their understanding is going to be. Teachers, parents, counselors, everyone should be participating in getting to know more about the students and how well they cope with each other.
What Punishment for School Violence really consists of

Most students who were involved in school violence weren't punished enough to stop doing it once and for all. When getting caught fighting in school, the most a student would receive is an out of school suspension that could be from only days out of school to being expelled from that school for the whole year. Another punishment would be to get in school suspension for a matter of once again, only days. Bullying in school got the punishment of having the bully being talked to by the principal and only warned or being "written up". Knowing that bulling has become the first most common issue in schools why is the punishment still the same. These minor punishments are the reasons why school violence needs to be addressed in depth and needs to have more drastically changing rules to prevent this from occurring as often. Having more strict consequences for the action of violence that includes students dealing with what court can show them and what could happen if they keep being violent can send the right message.

Fixing the Problem

Once there is a complete understanding of school violence an act should occur. Learning more information not only about which school is better for your child but more about how to help those schools who aren't known to be so great is a better way of leading our country into a safer place. Getting involved more with your own community and sharing your knowledge with former teachers, neighbors, other parents, and even your own children can also decrease such violence. Communication is the key to success, being able to understand an issue and the person with the issue can be the start of helping fix whatever is going wrong. Helping to stop school violence is a must and we can't only depend on others to fix the issue that we all related to or been through at one point in time. Having secure protection and more eyes focused around these students will prevent this downfall that is happening in schools. The more believers and strength, the easier it will be to change an important unwanted factor, School Violence.

Work Cited

Leading Factors for my Blogging

It doesn't take a lot to just write a blog but it does take time and effort to write a blog on something your very passionate about and know or want to know more about. Its been kind of difficult for myself to get the hang of this writing style but with research and learning a lot from other blogs, it has created an easier path to lead me into becoming a better writer.

A great blog can consist of many things but it's how you put those things on paper, or in this case how you type your writing correctly in an understandable way for your audience. I went through a couple blogs writing about similar issues, concerns, or information about the court and found that many had different writing styles which kept a good variety in what was eye catching and wasn't boring to read.

One particular blog was all about the Bronx court system which was informational and gave an insight of what type of organizations are being held to try to change the lives of former citizens living in the Bronx, New York. Many videos and photographs are shown that tie in with each blog being written. Specifically, there was one blog about the graffiti clean up which explained when, where, who was involved, and what time this event occurred. It gave a before and after picture of the wall they were working on to show how much better the city streets can make their state look like improvement is being made. It also consists of many quotes from people who have been involved or simply just seen the progression in their state, stating how successful these events have been and supports all the main issues that have been broken down by the people of New York. It's interesting to me that the quotes are even put in a different color than the other writing which is done in order and makes it easier to pull out of the text. Finally, how the text was written is well organized, broken down in nice sized paragraphs, and given with a lot of information. There are also links on the right hand side that give extended information for readers to see.

Blogs are exciting and are another way that can teach you about what's going on in the world and what new information is out there that can be easily understood. With the right techniques, word choice, images/videos, subheadings, research, and information about the topics being written, blogs can be the new fashionable and interesting way of describing your own opinions and facts about a situation.

Work Cited

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Different Races, Different Rules

Considering that I myself am Hispanic and speak Spanish fluently, even though I was born in the U.S. I've seen what not only my family and friends have gone through, but also how others have struggled with the court to try to make a better living for themselves in a country that according to the law "Isn't there's and therefore they are not permitted in it."

Working at a fast food place I got to meet a lot of immigrants who have sneaked into the U.S. all for the same reason, to have a better life. I started to become really close with one of the cooks that I work with and at the same time I learned more and more about the struggle she goes through. She was Born In Mexico and came to the U.S. when she was only fourteen years old. She left everything she had including her family to attempt to find a better life, instead of living day by day searching for food in the streets and watching her back at all times. She found a job at Wendy's through a friend and from there her new life began. She learned English and had a lot of help from one of the managers who sadly past away about a year ago from a sudden heart attack. This was fatal news to her even though they only worked together, she looked up to him and saw him as another father figure. She even met her future soul mate which later on gave her the blessings of three children, a nice two story house, and his love. He also was born in Mexico but had been living in the U.S. for a longer period of time. At the time that I met her she was about eight months pregnant at twenty six years of age and a very hard working polite woman at that. Her life seemed complete but it all came crashing down about a month later on a regular busy work day, when five police officers surrounded our job trying to arrest her for somehow finding out that she was an immigrant living illegally in the U.S.

This woman's background is completely clean, not one felony, never have driven a car but rather takes the bus everyday and walk far distances to stay away from getting in trouble. She works at Wendy's every single day with eight hour shifts and sometimes longer when they needed her and has one other job which she works another eight hours giving her a total of sixteen hour work days. This wouldn't be the correct way to escort someone out of their job, in hand cuffs gripping tightly because of a common un harming reason. They couldn't arrest her because at the time she was pregnant. So she had court dates to go to which prevented her from "trying to escape." The court knew she didn't have a license nor anyone who could take her all the way to D.C. when she live in Fredericksburg, and still they told her if she doesn't appear in court she will be sentenced time. I offered to take her to court and I'll never forget how upset the look on her face was that day. Her palms were sweaty and I could tell she was nervous. She looked at me and said, "Why me Catherine all I do is work hard to provide for my children and stay away from causing any harm to anyone else why has God punished me." I honestly had no clue what to say but to just hold her and cry with her and explain that with good times there will be bad times and we all just have to run through them and be strong.

In a court room your not suppose to talk unless spoken to, nor allowed to argue with anyone but somehow this judge had so much respect for others sitting in the room besides all of the Hispanics that were present. He constantly kept getting frustrated with my coworker, telling her how she needed to be seated, how to respond, and how to act in front of him the way he wanted while others did the exact same and didn't get punished at all for it. The judge gave her another court date and basically made her show up just to see she hasn't escaped. Having her show up constantly is just giving them more time to figure out what crime she has made, but she has a work permit and hasn't caused any trouble in the last fifteen years she has been living here which speaks a lot in her favor.

Why is it that it's reasonable to have someone who wasn't born in the U.S. get married with someone who is and easily granted their rights to stay here but when an immigrant only comes with no intentions of ruining this country, they make their process so difficult to become a citizen. On July 10, 2013 there was a video posted in which George W. Bush said, "We must remember that the vast majority of immigrants are decent people who work hard and support their families, practice their faith, and lead responsible lives." What Bush said is honestly the real truth, not all are good but not all are bad and by that I mean every human being. Why can the government only focus on what the law says about immigrants instead of focusing on how they can change the law to help out those immigrants who are trying to make a living here. As also said in an article about the immigration system and it's unfair immigration policies, "The United States government should urgently reform its unfair immigration system to uphold the basic rights of non-citizens and provide a path to legal status for the country’s unauthorized immigrants." That path must occur, and since it has not been taken care of as it should be people still remain mistreated without a proper cause. My former coworker is not only such a humble person but is also just another human being trying to make it in this country. A change needs to happen to stop this unfair system they have set on immigrants.

Work Cited